Just a message from the ‘committee’, last year – 2012 – was AWESOME, we started 2 fully fledged branches in the UK with a mandated national body, and that is a phenomenal achievement. In a matter of 6 months, not only did we start a Legion operation, we were recognized by the RCEL and the RBL and RBL Scotland.
All in all in 2012 we proved ourselves to be true Saffa’s – resourceful and determined, and we are deeply proud of what we have achieved and deeply honoured by the calibre of ‘manne’ in this organisation.
The calibre of South African veteran men and women shone through as the Legion UK took shape – we were able to composite working branch structures and constitutions, put in financial systems, develop a website, newsletter, PR program, social media forums, medal application procedures, marketing tools and built a brand identity – colours, badges, insignia etc.
We initiated get-togethers, as well as museum visits and socials, we also got the nod to some significant parades and started to beat down the walls of the establishment.
Our 11/11 parades in Glasgow and London where crowing achievements – not seen before on these Great British Isles – not to forget the budding initiatives in the midlands and North England. 11/11 proved what we can do, and we stand shoulder to shoulder in our mutual recognition of what it means to have served – with pride and honour.
As successful as 2012 was, 2013 is going to be off the scale if we apply the same sense of good old Saffa ‘deursettingsvermoe’ and ‘esprit’.
Much is already in planning, in 2013 lets get our RBL creds, lets find a HQ, lets draw in the other Commonwealth organisations, lets get Wales and Ireland branches up and running, lets get our parade agendas sorted for SS Mendi, Armed Forces Day, Boer War, Delville Wood, Savate Day, El Alamein and 11/11 2013.
But more importantly lets make MORE friends and have even MORE camaraderie and FUN.
Happy New Year to you and your families, lets make 2013 LEGENDARY