A very successful 84th Congress of the South African Legion of Military Veterans was hosted by the Kroonstad Branch of the Legion over the period 12 to 14 September 2014. The congress was attended by 8 members of the National Executive, 3 Provincial Chairman, 16 delegates and 28 observers from 16 branches.
Congress started on Friday afternoon with the meeting of the outgoing National Executive followed by a welcome dinner. Saturday started with the laying of wreaths, placing of the banners, the obituaries, welcome by the Chairman of the Central Region and the opening address. Messages were received from the Patron of the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and the Grand President of the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.
With all the formalities completed it was down to business starting with the portfolio reports, National President, National Vice President, National Secretary, National Treasurer, Welfare, Projects and the Past Presidents for Life. The planned 100 veteran’s tour to Delville Wood and Ypres during July 2016 was presented and approved by the congress. This was followed by the reports by the 16 branches represented at the congress.
This was followed by the discussion of the 19 motions that was submitted and approved by the national executive for discussion. These included number of delegates as per the by-laws of the Legion, Legion salute, casual relief, branch charters, new branches, donation to the Council of Military Veterans Organisations (CMVO), donation towards monument in Flanders, red socks, signatories (this motion was withdrawn), Legion application to the South African National Military Veterans Association (SANMVA), Athol Murray tartan for Scotland branch, patrons, Legion business plan, updating of the history of the Legion, new members induction and regalia (referred to the incoming national executive), Legion regalia and branding, attendance at founders meeting in Hong Kong 2015 and RCEL congress in 2016, medal project and Koevoet association.
Following office bearers were elected:
National President Godfrey Giles.
National Vice President John Del Monte.
National Treasurer Hilton Kaplan.
Branch Liaison and Membership T. S. Sealome.
Projects K. Bolton.
Relief and Welfare D. Francis.
Promotion and Publicity C. Ross.
Transformation S.Nosenga
Gender Mary Ann Manetjie. (Co-opted)
The day was concluded with superb dinner during which awards were presented to Dave Forsyth and David Holmes.
Newly elected national executive met on Sunday morning.