Category: WW2

Not for Ourselves, but for Others

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Three Ships Commemoration honours South Africans who perished ‘In Waters Deep’ *

On Saturday 22 February, Legionnaires from the South African Legion of Military Veterans (UK and Europe), the Royal British Legion, and representatives of the Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) gathered at Richmond’s East Sheen cemetery for the annual Three Ships Commemoration. We also commemorated and gave thanks for the courage and dedication of the SA Medical Corps.

Carpane – 75th Anniversary of the Grappa Massacres

Operation Piave In the period of the 20th to the 29th September 1944 a number of massacres and reprisals (Operation Piave) took place in the Grappa region of Italy when…
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Warsaw Airlift, Battle of Square Hill commemorated in Richmond

RICHMOND UPON THAMES – On Saturday 15 September, Legionnaires from the South African Legion of Military Veterans (UK and Europe), the Royal British Legion (SA Branch), were joined by delegations…
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