Myself and Russ Pearce are working on the parade order and after discussion at the England branch meeting at the Windsor Castle on 3rd November we will release the order. Which will encompass the parade at the Commonwealth memorial and a later parade at Westminster Abbey to place personal and Regimental crosses in the South African plot
Succinctly it will be a forming up, probably placing of sentries, a reading and a prayer and then the laying of a wreath commemorating South Africans who have paid the ultimate price in past and current wars as Commonwealth Soldiers, Sailors and Air personnel. We will also probably do the reading of the Roll of Honour for South Africans recently deceased in the current conflict in the Middle East. At Westminster Abbey we will form up outside the garden and members will make their way inside individually to pay their respects.
Lounge suit or Blazer and trousers.
Regimental tie or any alternative if you do no have this.
Regimental or Corps berets and badge. If you do not have a beret a suitable hat can be worn no peaks please unless they have Regimental or Corps insignia.
BRVS or EVS (Voluntary service emblem) worn on right breast above any ancestors medals.
Own medals worn on left breast.
Ancestors medals worn on right breast.
If members wish to wear their qualifying badges eg para wings, Strike Craft badge, Spes Operators badge etc, these are to be worn on the left breast above any medals you may have there.
You will be representing South Africa and your comrades, so please bear this in mind. You will also be in the public eye.
Shoes, black or brown are suitable ensure they are properly polished.
Shirts can be any plain colour.
Hair….properly cut and groomed. For those who have hair long enough please ensure it is tied into a pony tail to ensure uniformity.
Clothing. Please ensure this is in good order and properly ironed etc.
Foul weather gear may of course be worn as it will probably be quite cold. If you have overcoats please wear them, or any all weather jacket will do. Insignia and medals may be worn on the overcoats and all weather jackets.
Saluting: If you have to salute or wish to salute when placing crosses at Westminster (I always do after bowing my head for a few seconds) our official salute is the old open hand salute which is the same as the British Army. For those Navy guys who find this too much of a culture shock you may use the Naval salute.
If any media ask you any questions please do not give them quotes but refer them to myself or Capt Peter Dickens. Nothing sinister in this, but we will be rolling out news/information to the media in due course and this must remain consistent.
If there are any questions please place them in open forum on this documents comments so everyone can see the answers I will give you.
WO2 NE Sander MMM