Author: Filip DeBergh
On 23 Sept. 2011 the remains of 3 South African soldiers were exhumed from the grounds of brick factory Wienerberger at Zonnebeke, Belgium.
They turned out to be men of the 4th regiment, SA Scottish, 1st SA Infantry Brigade. The soldiers died on 20 Sept. 1917 during Third Ypres.
They were buried with full military honours on 9 July 2013.
Two years after the discovery pupils from Hoërskool Waterkloof Pretoria, Hoërskool Centurion Pretoria and Hoërskool Strand, Cape Town will bring honour to these soldiers and all South Africans buried at Tyne Cot.
The pupils will form a procession to the Menin Gate at 07h30, accompanied by the H. Familie drum band, and lay a wreath for all of the South African Fallen in the Ypres Salient after the Last Post Ceremony.
Accompanied by a piper they will tell personal stories and recite the names of those buried on Tyne Cot.
The two personal stories are of SA soldiers who were involved in the Battle of the Menin Road on 20 Sept. 1917: The story of Captain Mc Donald and of boy soldier David Schalke Ross.
All the names of those buried on Tyne Cot (24 known) will be read aloud. The official pipe major of the Last Post Association will play a lament.
The commemoration takes place on 23 Sept. at 11.40 a.m. and will be attended by Colonel R. Fondse and other members of the SA Embassy.
The three schools have an exchange program with three Belgium schools:
Hoërskool Waterkloof , Pretoria : 20 pupils with St. –Leocollege Bruges
Hoërskool Centurion , Pretoria : 12 pupils with Heilige-Familie Ypres
Hoërskool Strand, Cape Town : 10 pupils with Burgerschool, Roulers
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